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JobScan Software and JobScan review

Jobscan analyzes your resume and help you get past the resume robots.

Job scan can help you get past the resume screening software that plagues so many people today. There was a study done last year and they found that 75% of all your resumes that are submitted electronically don’t get past the resume scanning software also known as applicant tracking software ATS in this job scan review video I will show you how jobscan works and why you should really consider using it.

The first thing you want to do when you visit the jobscan webpage is to sign up for a jobscan free trial and a free account will get you five free jobscans.

Next you want to go down all the way on your jobscan webpage to where you find a big white box and step one you want to upload or copy and paste your resume into it. Then it will take you to step two and in step two you want to copy and paste the job description that you’re interested in. This can be from any job board such as indeed, monster, ladders, LinkedIn or hundreds of others. Next the jobscan software will compare your job posting to your resume and will come back with a match number. Watch the video and the video will give you detailed instructions about how jobscan can help you beat the applicant tracking systems. At the end of the video Ivan tell you about a jobscan alternative that works very well also.